The average salary for a pesticide applicator in the United States typically ranges from $35,000 to $45,000 annually. The median salary is around $42,000, depending on factors like location, experience, and certification.
Entry-level pesticide applicators may earn closer to $35,000 annually.
More experienced applicators, especially those with certifications, may earn up to $55,000 or more.
In some regions with higher costs of living, like California, pesticide applicators can earn higher salaries, sometimes reaching over $60,000 annually.
The average salary for a pesticide applicator in the United States typically ranges from $35,000 to $45,000 annually. The median salary is around $42,000, depending on factors like location, experience, and certification.
In some regions with higher costs of living, like California, pesticide applicators can earn higher salaries, sometimes reaching over $60,000 annually.